Corporate responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
Whether it be staff, customers, suppliers, authorities, neighbors, colleagues, etc… , we at Pacorini consider them all as partners with whom we want to establish the best relations, work together in a constructive, efficient and innovative manner, all for the good of the actors in our community.
This is why Pacorini Antwerp chooses as much as possible to work with local companies, situated in or close to the port of Antwerp. Apart from having the benefit of personal contact and a better service, this also helps the development of the local economy and the prosperity of the local people working there.
Our staff represents the core of our business and the well-being of our staff is therefore one of our top priorities. With regard to safety and security, Pacorini Antwerp management wants to go further and is currently investigating the measures to be taken to obtain the ISO 45001 certification ( Health and Safety). All employees will be informed and trained in order to avoid safety risks and labor accidents.
Our different accreditations and the connected external pressure to keep meeting their challenging criteria, enforce our internal motivation to constantly find better ways to cope with the changing society.
For our engagements on Environment and Fair trade, we refer to the separate pages.
One of the biggest challenges of modern society is probably finding a way of maintaining our high standard of living without doing damage to the environment.
Pacorini Antwerp has taken up that challenge and has made respect for the environment one of the core values of the company. An important asset underlining this value, is our multimodal warehouse where we can receive trains, vessels, coasters and barges.
The main accomplishment of Pacorini Antwerp is that our entire operation is practically 100% CO2 neutral. We have achieved this mainly by covering our warehouse roofs with solar panels that cover our total annual power supply, by operating only with electrical forklifts and by selecting only those transport partners who offer the best emission standards on their trucks.
Since waste disposal is also a vital part of keeping the environment clean and needs our attention, we are sorting all our garbage. An established recycling firm collects our waste which gets a second life afterwards.
All these initiatives contribute to a reduction of the carbon footprint of Pacorini Antwerp’s operations.
Fair trade
Pacorini Antwerp is among the many supporters of the conviction that paying the local producers of agricultural products fair and just prices for their goods, is one of the most important steps towards a more productive and sustainable way of growing agricultural products. And although Pacorini Antwerp as a warehouse keeper cannot influence other market players and make them pay fair prices, we want to contribute as much as possible, as is proven by our partnerships with UTZ Certified Coffee & Cocoa, Rainforest Alliance, ...
This is done in 2 different ways:
• we verify that fair trade goods are in compliance with the administrative obligations
• we ensure full traceability of the goods
By performing these actions, we ensure that, in the part of the supply chain that we control, only fair trade goods are stored as fair trade goods and that these goods are separate and not intermingled with non fair trade goods. This helps the end-consumer
in having confidence that products with fair trade logos are indeed fair trade goods.